Augsburg Fortress

Creation and Fall: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 3

Creation and Fall: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 3

Creation and Fall originated in lectures given by Dietrich Bonhoeffer at the University of Berlin in the winter semester of 1932-33 during the demise of the Weimar Republic and the birth of the Third Reich. In the course of these events, Bonhoeffer called his students to focus their attention on the word of God the word of truth in a time of turmoil.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800683238
  • Brand Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 224
  • Publication Date August 5, 2004


"Delivered with passion and kerygmatic style rather than in the language of academic discourse, Creation and Fall retains the sense of immediacy, relevance, and power that first spoke to Bonhoffer's students."
— John W. de Gruchy


Reviewed by Ronald MacLennan, Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas

"For pastors, teachers, students, and others whose reading of Bonhoeffer has been too little or too long ago or both, ... this volume serves as a strong incentive to renew and deepen one's acquaintance with this theologian, whose writing, though he has been dead for more than half a century, seems so fresh and modern. ...

"Bonhoeffer reveals a richness of biblical underpinning that is often not apparent in the works of theologians. It is as much a meditation as an exposition. ...

"The crisp, contemporary translation is easy to read from beginning to end without letting the scholarly apparatus obtrude; but, on the other hand, the introduction, notes, and end material allow one to pursue issues to whatever depth one wishes."

Table of Contents


The Beginning (Gen. 1:1-2)
The Word (Gen. 1:3)
God's Look (Gen. 1:4a)
The Day (Gen. 1:4b-5)
That Which Is Firmly Fixed (Gen. 1:6-10, 14-19)
That Which Lives (Gen. 1:11-13, 20-25)
The Image of God on Earth (Gen. 1:26-27)
Blessing and Completion (Gen. 1:28-31, 2:1-4a)
The Other Side (Gen. 2:5bff.)
The Human Being of Earth and Spirit (Gen. 2:7)
The Center of the Earth (Gen. 2:8-17)
The Power of the Other (Gen. 2:18-25)
The Pious Question (Gen. 3:1-3)
Sicut Deus (Gen. 3:4-5)
The Fall (Gen. 3:6)
The New Thing (Gen. 3:7)
The Flight (Gen. 3:8-13)
Curse and Promise (Gen. 3:14-19)
The Mother of All That Lives (Gen. 3:20)
God's New Action (Gen. 3:21)
The Tree of Life (Gen. 3:22ff.)
Cain (Gen. 4:1)

Editor's Afterword to the German Edition, Martin Rüter and Ilse Tödt

Index of Biblical References
Index of Names
Index of Subjects
Editors and Translator