Augsburg Fortress

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  • The Precious Gift: The Hymns, Carols, and Translations of Henry L. Lettermann

    The Precious Gift: The Hymns, Carols, and Translations of Henry L. Lettermann

    Henry L. Lettermann (1932-96) served as professor of English at Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Illinois, from 1959 to 1988 where his talent for poetry became readily apparent. From 1979 to 1987 he served as a member and secretary of the Hymn Text and Music Committee which produced Lutheran Worship in 1982. His original texts, translations, and observations about the process of preparing this new hymnal provide fascinating insights.



  • Piano Plus: Hymns for Piano and Treble Instrument, Advent/Christmas

    Piano Plus: Hymns for Piano and Treble Instrument, Advent/Christmas

    Piano Plus: Hymns for Piano and Treble Instrument is a collection of Advent and Christmas tunes that will enrich seasonal worship by incorporating the talents...

    Voicing: Instrument w/keyboard; Piano
    Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
    Use: Advent; Christmas



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