Augsburg Fortress

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  • No Greater Jewel: Thinking about Baptism with Luther

    No Greater Jewel: Thinking about Baptism with Luther

    Luther writes in his Large Catechism: "No greater jewel, therefore, can adorn our body and soul than baptism, for through it we become completely holy and...



    $16.00Save 81%

  • The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    With great detail, Kirsi I. Stjerna introduces and annotates Luther's Large Catechism, in which the reformer set out to offer a new compass for religious life. He believed all Christian people—laity and clergy—needed a guide to comprehend the basic biblical, creedal, and sacramental teachings.



  • The Bondage of the Will, 1525 (abridged): The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Bondage of the Will, 1525 (abridged): The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    In autumn 1525, Luther wrote The Bondage of the Will as a response to humanist and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam, who had criticized Luther's teachings in the diatribe On Free Will. Luther's argument on the matter of the bound and free will poses a challenge and an invitation for constructive contemporary theology.



  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 2: Word and Faith

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 2: Word and Faith

    Volume 2 of The Annotated Luther series contains a number of the writings categorized under the theme word and faith. Luther was particularly focused on what the word "does" in order to create and sustain faith.



  • The Annotated Luther Volume 1-6 set

    The Annotated Luther Volume 1-6 set

    The Annotated Luther series features seventy-five of Luther's most essential writings in six volumes. These volumes will be an essential reference tool for students at all levels, as well as an engaging and accessible resource for pastors and interested lay readers who want to explore and teach Luther and his writings with greater depth and clarity.



  • The Role of the Bishop: Changing Models for a Global Church

    The Role of the Bishop: Changing Models for a Global Church

    These essays describe, from several perspectives, the role of the bishop in leading the church. The writers, from their global perspective, bear witness to the fact that the role of the bishop is an ever-changing one as bishops work in the world as it is. Rather than focusing on what will be an anachronistic concept of leadership, the writers hold up the evangelical principle that leadership in the church must be subject to the gospel.



  • Christ Present in Faith: Luther's View of Justification

    Christ Present in Faith: Luther's View of Justification

    Mannermaa's revisionist work on justification in Luther's theology — a notable contribution from one of the most influential Finnish scholars of Luther...



  • Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People: A Reader

    Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People: A Reader

    The place and significance of Martin Luther in the long history of Christian anti-Jewish polemic has been and continues to be a contested issue. It is true that Luther's...



  • Two Kinds of Love: Martin Luther's Religious World

    Two Kinds of Love: Martin Luther's Religious World

    Published in Finland in 1983, Two Kinds of Love is the second of Tuomo Mannermaa's provocative books offering a distinctly different interpretation of Martin...



  • Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective

    Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective

    Nissinen's award-winning book surveys attitudes in the ancient world toward homoeroticism, that is, erotic same-sex relations. Focusing on the Bible and its...



  • Spirituality: Toward a 21st Century Lutheran Understanding

    Spirituality: Toward a 21st Century Lutheran Understanding

    This is an important study of spirituality in a world of confused and conflicting definitions of the spiritual. Christian spirituality flows from an understanding of who God is and how God acts in creation. It is a personal and communal recognition of God in one's life and a life awareness and celebration of that presence of God. Anyone who wonders how the Christian faith shapes life will find a great value in this book.



  • By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism

    By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism

    A richly illustrated, in-depth exploration of the Small Catechism. Suitable for group discussion, an adult study or personal enrichment. Connects your life today to the biblical and historical context of the Small Catechism.



  • By Heart Course Starter Pack

    By Heart Course Starter Pack

    The starter pack contains a copy of By Heart book plus the other two essentials for leading a By Heart course: a Facilitator Guide and a Course DVD.



  • Teaching Reformation: Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert

    Teaching Reformation: Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert

    Presented on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, this collection of essays honors the life and work of Dr. Timothy J. Wengert, a pastor and noted Reformation historian who brings to scholarship a deep sense of its practical dimensions in the life of the church.

    In these essays, Wengert's students, colleagues, and peers follow in their honoree's footsteps by highlighting the implications of a rich tapestry of Reformation topics.



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